Raise your hand if you need help! Why LinkedIn Is Not an Option for Leaders! Important items to check.

Why LinkedIn Is Not an Option, It’s a Must!

If you’re a business leader reading this, you may be thinking, “I’m not looking for a job, so why should I bother?”

Here’s why: contrary to popular belief, looking for a job is not the top use for LinkedIn. In fact, the two main reasons are thought leadership and to attract top talent. With professionals signing up at a rate of more than two new members per second, having a strong profile and presence is essential. Not only do employers in every industry use LinkedIn for talent acquisition, it is still the number one site for professional career networking.

However, with over 8 million C-suite executives on LinkedIn, it is easy to get lost in the crowd. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network on the Internet, with nearly 675 million members in over 200 countries and over 184 million in North America alone. Needless to say, in order to stand out, you need to optimize your profile. 

Here are three easy ways to give your LinkedIn a makeover in 10 minutes or less:

  1. A good profile picture – It may seem obvious, but first impressions really do matter. While it doesn’t necessarily need to be a professional headshot, it does need to be clear. It is the first thing people will see and if you don’t have one, it looks like you’re hiding.
  2.  Create a customized URL – This shows the world that you are savvy enough to edit the default URL. When you don’t take the extra second to make this change, it sends the message that you’re potentially out of touch with current trends.
  3.  Share your accomplishments – Your profile needs to be more than just a job history list. It’s meant to showcase who you are as a professional, and accomplishments present a well-rounded picture. You don’t need to list everything, but do be sure it’s up-to-date and relevant. 

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s kick it up a notch:

  • Change the default banner picture – Get rid of the LinkedIn constellation. Your banner should reflect you. It’s simple and it’s free! Consider it to be part of your personal branding. If you’re looking for inspiration, check out LinkedIn Background.
  • Write in first person – Show others that you are aware of modern social media best practices. Third-person summaries put a wall between you and the reader. On social media, it’s all about connecting.  
  • Choose your keywords wisely – Remember you are found through an algorithm so consider keywords for you and your organization. When choosing keywords consider how others will search for you or your company. Then repeat those words in various sections of your profile.  
  • Focus less on promoting and more on connecting – One of the biggest mistakes people make on social media is heavy self-promotion. To strengthen your presence, you need to become part of a community and find ways to engage in genuine dialogue with business partners, industry influencers, and potential clients. 
  • Effectively convey your company vision – An easy way to do this is to share content that reflects your brand’s mission. More specifically, this means telling people what your company does and why. Explain the value your business brings to the table. As a general rule, with every piece of content you post, you should always be asking yourself: why should they care? What’s the takeaway? 

Are You Ready to Take Your LinkedIn Strategy to the Next Level?

The bottom line: You cannot establish yourself as a thought leader without utilizing social media – and LinkedIn is the best place to start. And the benefits go beyond better personal branding. By boosting your executive visibility, you’ll gain more credibility, generate more engagement for your business and significantly broaden your network.

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